+7 (495) 249-04-36
Цена: 9 430 RUB
KICKER Comp® - первая ступень в мир автомобильного баса. Несомненный выбор неофитов и тех, кто еще не уверен, надо ли оно ему вообще.

Best Bass Value

KICKER® provides the best bass for the buck with the KICKER Comp® Subwoofer - all the legendary KICKER bass, and still the world's greatest value for under $100.

High Value, High Performance

It's equipped with all of the proven KICKER construction that you expect, and with an impressive updated look, the KICKER Comp® is the complete package. It's the best balance between high value and high performance in KICKER's round-subwoofer lineup.

Filled with KICKER Tech

The Comp® is loaded with many of the innovations found in elite KICKER woofers, including the stiffest injection-molded cone with flex-killing, 36-degree back bracing, updated coil-cooling perimeter venting, high-temp voice-coil wire, and Spiralead™ tinsel-lead technology for ultimate durability. The Comp® is also versatile, performing in vented or sealed enclosures, and in free-air applications as well.

Aggressive Looks

The Comp® makes perfect sense for any factory upgrade. With easy-to-use, nickel-plated push terminals, a resilient, updated steel basket, and yellow double-stitched surround, the Comp® looks as good as it sounds.

If all of this isn't enough, the Comp® leaves enough cash left over to throw down on a powerful KICKER Amplifier to provide the performance.

Comp® характеристики
Размер, дюймы
12, 30.0
Сопротивление, Ом
Рекомендуемая мощность усилителя (MAX/RMS), Вт*
Чувствительность, дБ, 1Вт/1м
Диапазон частот, Гц
Установочная глубина, см
5-7/8, 14.8
Установочный диаметр, см
11, 27.9
Мин. закрытый ящик, л
1.25, 35.4
Макс. закрытый ящик, л
3.5, 99.1
Мин. ящик ф/и Vol (cu. ft, L)
1.75, 49.6
Макс. ящик ф/и, л Vol (cu. ft, L)
2.25, 63.7

*При нормальном музыкальном сигнале с минимальным клиппированием, также зависит от объёма корпуса. Проконсультируйтесь со своим дилером Kicker

**Не включая объём порта.

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